Goal: Basic Education Preparedness

Guatemalan Kids, Basic Education Preparedness, A+ Academy, Send Me

A+ Academy

Empowering the next generation by shattering shackles of disadvantage

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Child smiles, A+ Academy, Basic Education for kids in Guatemala, Send Me

Allow us to introduce A+ Academy, a transformative after-school tutoring project dedicated to uplifting the academic progress of children in the Joyabaj area. Our academy runs in two communities: Raxanep and Chosavic; each in the heart of the municipality of Joyabaj, each two days a week.

With a focus on raising grades, critical thinking and fostering a love for learning, A+Academy employs personalized tutoring strategies, mentorship, and support to work with parents and create a positive and impactful educational environment, ensuring every child has the opportunity to thrive regardless of the local school resources.

Transformational Impact

Empowering Future Leaders Icon


Empowering Future Leaders:

  • Fosters the development of future leaders by providing essential educational support to students, instilling confidence and a sense of responsibility

Building a Learning Community Icon


Building a Learning Community:

  • Strengthens the community's commitment to learning, fostering an environment where education is valued and supported by all.

Promoting Parental Involvement Icon


Promoting Parental Involvement

  • Encourages active parental involvement in education, creating a collaborative partnership between schools and families for the benefit of the entire community.

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Icon


Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

  • Acts as a catalyst in breaking the cycle of poverty by providing educational resources and support, offering a pathway to a brighter future for generations to come.

Cultivating a Positive Learning Environment Icon


Cultivating a Positive Learning Environment

  • Creates a positive learning environment that extends beyond the classroom, fostering a sense of curiosity, critical thinking, and a love for learning.

Community Cohesion Icon


Community Cohesion

  • Strengthens the fabric of the community by bringing students, parents, and educators together, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Reducing Academic Disparities Icon


Reducing Academic Disparities

  • Addresses academic disparities within the community, ensuring that all students, regardless of background, have equal opportunities to succeed.

Culture of Continuous Learning Icon


Culture of Continuous Learning

  • Emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning.

Positive Social Impact Icon


Positive Social Impact

  • Creates a positive social impact by producing well-educated individuals who contribute meaningfully to the community, both socially and economically.

Increasing School Engagement Icon



Increasing School Engagement

  • Boosts student engagement in school, leading to improved attendance, higher grades, and a more invested and connected community.

Become an empowerED ally!

Become an ally for A+ Academy tutoring program wih your support. It is an investment that will reverberate through our entire community. By providing students with the guidance and resources they need, you are directly contributing to a flourishing culture of learning. With new academic triumphs, the beaming faces of students conquer challenges with confidence. Your generosity nurtures a community where education is valued, parental involvement is encouraged, and students are inspired to dream big. Together, we're raising grades, cultivating future leaders, breaking down barriers to opportunity, and building a community where every child, regardless of their background, can learn.

Your support gives hope, lighting the path toward a brighter, more empowerED future for the next generation.