Goal: Sustainable Health

Accessible Healthcare

Your YES can put healthcare
within their reach

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35% of Guatemala’s population lack access to basic health services

Old Guatemalan Woman, Accessible Healthcare in Guatemala, Send Me

Crisis: A Call to Action

Do you work in the healthcare field? Attention all compassionate care workers! Guatemala is facing a healthcare crisis, particularly in marginalized communities. Access to proper healthcare is limited, and these communities are suffering due to inadequate resources and facilities.

The lack of quality healthcare in Guatemala has led to high rates of preventable diseases, maternal and infant mortality, and overall poor health. Isolated indigenous communities are disproportionately affected by infrastructure failures.

By supporting Send Me’s healthcare initiatives in Guatemala, you can make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most. Through your generous contributions, we can provide essential medical care, buy supplies, improve access, and support healthcare professionals working with us in these underserved areas.

Together, we can address the healthcare disparities in Joyabaj, Guatemala and help create a healthier future for all its people. Help us care for those the bible calls “the least of these.”

Join us in this vital mission to bring Jesus closer and be a part of transforming healthcare in Guatemala.

Your YES makes a difference.

Helping the Helpless!

Guatemalan Child with Disabilities, Ray of Hope, Send Me

Every child with disabilities
needs access to medical support

Guatemalan Boy Child, Ray of Hope, Help People in Guatemala, Send Me

Compassion on Wheels: Suffering in silence should not be normal

Medical, Healthcare Icon, Send Me
Hospital campaign, Send Me, Charity in Guatemala

Hospital campaign:
You have an opportunity to provide a solution

Girl Child, Accessible Healthcare in Guatemala, Joyabal, Send Me

Our commitment to healthcare in Joyabaj:

Send Me is dedicated to creating a community in Joyabaj where every one regardless of ability, disability, age, location or race can receive needed healthcare and support services. There is no greater way to demonstrate the love Jesus had for the poor and suffering, but to be His hands and feet. Recognizing the prevailing challenges of the area's healthcare system, including sub-standard services, inadequate diagnoses, and a lack of family support, our Plan de Vida is a unique and comprehensive approach to address the pressing needs of families suffering without adequate access to quality healthcare. Through our unique approach and unwavering commitment, we aspire to be bring the healing hands and feet of Jesus to the underserved.

We have a unique mission and vision for our healthcare services:

Mission: Health and Hope for Every One: Our mission is to fill the gaps in care and support, ensuring that the suffering receive the attention, resources, and facilities they deserperately need. We believe that every one, regardless of ability, location, or origin can receive care in a nurturing environment that promotes their healing and development.

Vision: A future where every one experiences hope with boundless possibilities and genuine inclusion. We aim to overcome current healthcare challenges while fostering a Christ-like community that understands, supports, and celebrates the uniqueness of each one.

Values Based Healthcare Development

Our healthcare model is a platform for physical and mental health partnerships and support

Core Obejective #1

Municipalidad Joyabaj Logo
Joyabaj Health Logo
Jehova Rafa logo

Plan de Vida: 3 keys for healthcare development

1. Accessible Healthcare

  • Establishing partnerships with local healthcare providers for physical and mental health

  • Organizing health awareness campaigns and workshops

2. Dental Care

  • Collaborating with dental professionals to provide basic dental services

  • Educating on oral hygiene practices

3. Nutrition

  • Offering nutrition support

  • Implementing nutrition education to fight malnourshment