Goal: Educational Development

Everyone Learns

Creating new opportunities

1 in every 10 Guatemalans is Illiterate

Embracing education in every corner and through every struggle

Send Me Seminary, Logo

Your generosity is the catalyst for pastors and leaders in isolation to receive accredited seminary training

Education Icon, Send Me

A+ Academy:

Join us in a transforming journey where an afterschool program becomes the key to unlocking a child’s potential

Girls Smiling, EquipD, Educations Path in Guatemala, Send Me
Graduate's Hat Icon


Your support forges an educational path of new possibilities

6 Ways to become a hero in education

Step into a child’s boundless potential, where the gift of education becomes a source of hope for children who are deeply impoverished. Imagine a place where children find the spark of inspiration in the warmth of your generosity. Your support in education creates access to transformative opportunities that open doors for children and young adults, offering them a chance at a brighter future they hadn't dared to imagine.

Values Based Educational Development

Our educational model is a platform for educational partnerships and support

Asociación Guatemalteca Aérea Para Edificación

Berea Logo

Core Obejective #2

Plan de Vida: 3 keys for life skill development

1. Afterschool Tutoring/Mentorship

  • Ensures foundational literacy and numeracy skills.

  • Increases comprehension of primary and secondary academic learning.

  • Promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • Fosters a love for lifelong learning.

2. Basic/Career Education

  • Supports students with diverse vocational training programs.

  • Develops skills relevant to local job markets.

  • Teaches budgeting and financial planning.

  • Empowers individuals to pursue careers aligned with their passions and strengths.

3. Theological Seminary

  • Prioritizes accessibility with work schedules, financial constraints, and educational backgrounds.

  • Offers curriculum relevant to their context by addressing the unique social, economic, and cultural challenges.

  • Includes ministry training for practical skills in leadership.