People + Purpose
Feel the heartbeat
of Joyabaj
Step inside our story!

Our Yes!
A message from our founders…
Step alongside us. Your journey, like ours, can begin with a simple Yes!
Have you ever experienced a moment that was supposed to be about someone else, only to find it forever altering your own life? That's the story of our yes, a journey that started with a mission trip meant for our teens but turned into something far more profound.
From the moment we entered Guatemala, poverty ceased to be a distant concept; it had faces, stories, and struggles. The inadequate shelter, parental neglect, joblessness and illiteracy shook us to our core. We were confronted with the harsh realities that many faced daily, without solutions. As we returned home, we realized we couldn't just walk away.
Our faith began rising, so we organized mission teams, began building homes, sponsored education and soon we found ourselves supporting families who have children with disabilities. In 2011, we took a leap of faith and legally started Send Me. With every step, we continued to say yes. Partnerships with organizations like The Jesus Film Project became turning points, introducing community growth in ways we never imagined.
This journey wasn't just about changing the lives of those we met; it changed ours too. Unable to go back to our 'old’ life, we made the monumental decision to move to a small town in Guatemala, where our commitment took root. Now, 15 years later, much has changed, and we're inviting you to step onto this road of growth and transformation with us.
Our Yes brought us into a community of hearts, a tapestry woven with threads of despair, hope and lots of resilience. We're not just inviting you to read our story; we're asking you to join the story, We believe it is God’s story. Walk with us and connect with us on this incredible journey of faith. The story is ongoing, and we believe it's a story worth sharing, living, and growing with. 🌍✨
With profound hope,
George and Tammy Roller
Founders, Send Me

Nehemiah Project
Imagine the reality of living among those with no hope. Your support through the Nehemiah Project is on way that you can become a vital part of our life and work. Your generosity directly impacts our capacity to live and serve in Guatemala, offering health and education of those in desperate need. Without your support, this crucial work simply cannot happen. We invite you to partner with us in bringing light to the darkest corners of poverty in Joyabaj, and together, we can create a future where every individual has the opportunity to hear and see the love of God. - George and Tammy
Purpose Statements
Our Mission
Transforming Lives with Christ's Love: Hope for the Brokenhearted
We are passionate about bringing the transformative power of Christ’s love to those enduring extreme poverty. We provide vital support and create opportunities for marginalized communities to build new lives of dignity and hope.
Our Vision
We see a world where each person, once weighed down by destitution, emerges as a living testament to the transformative love of Christ.
By weaving a vibrant tapestry of hope, faith, and resilience, a future with boundless possibilities is created.
Who We Serve
The vast majority of The K’iche’ (formerly Quiche) people in the Central Highlands of Guatemala live in abject poverty where language, hygiene, farming, diet, and psychology create poverty in every area of human existence.
Where We Work
Joyabaj (English pronunciation: [Hoy-a-bah]) is a town and municipality in the Guatemalan department of El Quiché. It is located about 50 kilometers from Santa Cruz del Quiché, in the Sierra de Chuacús mountains.
Joyabaj was an important part of the royal route to Mexico during the Spanish reign. On February 4, 1976, Joyabaj was almost destroyed by an earthquake while it was in the midst of a 30 year civil war (1960 - 1996).

Stay Connected
We’d love to connect with you on social media and send you our occasional emails so you always know what’s happening with Send Me. In addition, we would be honored to have your financial support. We cannot accomplish our important work alone. We need committed individuals who will stand with us and support the work of Send Me in Joybaj!