Hope Hospital
Join our hospital building journey

Welcome to Our Vision
for a groundbreaking hospital designed to eliminate the barriers that hinder healthcare. At Send Me, we are committed to healthcare delivery by addressing barriers head-on.
At the heart of our vision is a hospital that serves as the epicenter of ministry activities
Barriers to Healthcare Access
The multiple barriers for rural Guatemalans to access healthcare have resulted in a systemic crisis. Rural communities off er a more primitive lifestyle resulting in an unequal distribution of health workers among urban and rural areas. Both specialty and ordinary services are highly fragmented making it diffi cult for various service partners to make fact based decisions. Nearly half of Guatemala’s population identifi es as indigenous.
4th highest rate of chronic malnutrtion in the world - World Food Bank
80% of the indigenous experience food devprivation - World Food Bank
70% of indigenous children are stunted from malnutrition - USAID
1 in 5 girls give birth under the age of 19, some at 13 - USAID
80% of Joyabaj’s indigenous medical needs could be covered by making these services available and accessible.
General Surgeon
General Surgeon
A Visionary Approach to Values-Driven Healthcare
At Send Me, we believe in a mission-driven approach to healthcare that is not only readily acceptable to the community but also aligned with Kingdom values. Our vision involves bringing together dedicated mission-oriented doctors from the U.S. and Central America to provide quality services that are currently inaccessible in the region.
Our unique organizational structure allows us to promptly address the medical needs of the community while simultaneously raising endowment funds for future operational costs. Mission doctors, hailing from the U.S. and other countries, will serve in 7 to 10-day increments, conducting approximately 60 outpatient surgeries and 80 patient exams per trip.
This commitment goes hand in hand with the continuous care provided by local doctors, dentists, and ophthalmologists in Guatemala, ensuring a comprehensive and consistent healthcare experience between surgical visits.
The next phase of our journey involves the training and recruitment of a full-time hospital staff, set to commence after construction, with the goal of achieving full operational capacity within 2-3 years. Together, we are building not just a hospital but a lasting impact on the health and well-being of our community.
To ensure robust asset protection against liability issues, we have adopted a two-tier corporate structure. The property, building, and equipment will be held in a separate corporation, creating a firewall of asset protection. This entity, which does not own any assets, will serve as a safeguard in the event of a lawsuit, shielding the operating entity within the country.
Send Me, registered as a U.S. non-profit, adheres to the same proven asset protection strategies commonly used in the United States. This approach not only reinforces our commitment to responsible governance but also safeguards our mission, allowing us to focus on providing quality healthcare without compromising our financial stability
Stewardship and Financial Safeguards
Situated in the heart of Joyabaj, the donated land for our hospital is conveniently accessible to up to 200,000 people.
Anticipated Costs
The estimated cost of constructing the 5-floor steel and concrete structure is approximately $1,800,000. Additional expenses for equipment and furnishings are projected at $1,000,000. The overall estimate for the entire project is $2,800,000.
Be a part of the change. Partner with us to provide crucial medical support to Joyabaj
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
Matthew 25:40