Basic and Career Education in Guatemala, Graduates, Send Me, Charity

Goal: Career Education Preparedness

Preparing and commissioning pastors and leaders for service

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Our Partners:



Asociación Guatemalteca Aérea Para Edificación

Essential Training to Teach the Word of God

The Send Me Seminary offers an accredited diploma in Biblical Studies. The three year plan includes nine levels of accomplishment.
Each level takes approximately three months

  • How to read the Bible

    Methods of Biblical study

    Problems in the Christian life

    Introduction to Communication

  • Evangelism

    The Holy Scriptures (Inspiration)

    Biblical interpretation


  • Old Testament I (Job and the Patriarchs) 

    Introduction to Christian Education

    Christian Leadership

    Christian Home

  • Old Testament II (Moses and the Law) 

    Administration II 

    New Testament I (The Gospels) 

    Introduction to Intercultural Missions 

  • Old Testament III (Joshua, Judges and Ruth) 

    Pedagogy and Pedagogía y Andragogy 

    New Testament II (First Letters) 

  • Old Testament IV (Psalms and Proverbs) 

    Pedagogy II 

    The Church and its growth 

    Introduction to counseling 

    New Testament III (Pastoral letters) 

  • Old Testament V (The First Prophets) 

    Doctrine of God 

    Angels and Satan 

    Biblical preaching

    New Testament IV (General Epistles) 

  • Old Testament VI (Prophecy of Restoration)

    Doctrine of Christ 


    Prophecy I 

    Counseling I

  • Old Testament VII (Prophecy of Captivity)

    Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 

    Prophecy II

In partnership with SETECA and A.G.A.P.E. ministries, Send Me is breaking down barriers for indigenous pastors, providing them with invaluable access to seminary training that was once out of reach. Imagine the impact of pastors deeply rooted in their communities, gaining a solid theological foundation to guide and nurture their congregations and community. This training is a lifeline to pastors who, despite limited resources, possess an unwavering commitment to teach the Word of God, often at great sacrifice. As you support this endeavor, you’re contributing to individual growth and planting seeds of transformation that will flourish within these indigenous communities. You’re fostering unity, addressing spiritual needs, and creating hope for the future. Join us in shaping a future where access to biblical training becomes accessible for all.


Graduate of Theological Education in Guatemala, Send Me, Charity
Bulb Icon, Education Icon, Send Me, Charity

The Power of a Theological Education

The path to fitness requires more than just exercising; it necessitates strategic planning and, often, the guidance of a personal trainer for optimal results. Similarly, in church planting and ministry by our local pastors, a serious commitment to theological education is essential. Cultural ideas all-to-often are badly reflected in the Gospel message. While some may underestimate the importance of preparation, the analogy drawn here emphasizes that theological training is not a mere hassle but a vital irrigation in the dessert of unfamiliarity with God’s word. To bring the gospel effectively, pastors and church planters must recognize theological education as a cornerstone for long-term, fruitful ministry. It's a serious business that goes beyond charisma. It requires a deep commitment to vigorous training for the impactful establishment of Bible-preaching churches that transform community health and well-being by living the true Gospel message.

Values Based Spiritual Development

Our Theological Seminary is a platform for spiritual, theological and academic growth and partnership

Plan de Vida

1..Prioritizes accessibility with work schedules, financial constraints, and educational backgrounds:

  • Subsidized Costs - Students only pay for materials.

  • Licensed Professors and Teachers come to the students eliminating geographical constrainsts.

  • Accommodating schedules for work and public transportation.

2. Offers curriculum relevant to their context by addressing the unique social, economic, and cultural challenges:

  • The curriculum equips pastors with practical knowledge to address poverty and instability in their congregations.

  • Addresses local indigenous knowledge and ill-advised community-based practices to increase relevance and effectiveness.

3. Includes practical skill training in leadership:

  • Advocates change of poverty mindsets that perpetuate deprivation.

  • Prepares pastors to address immediate community needs.

  • Promotes inclusion by taking pooled resources into their communities to prioritize the needs of others.

Become a commissionED ally!

Become an ally for theological education. It is an investment that will directly impact multiple communities in Joyabaj. Your support for adult theological education is fueling a fire for growth! You're creating a space where people feel encouraged to dream big and explore big questions about faith and culture. Together, we're making strides in understanding, nurturing future pastors and leaders, and tearing down barriers to learning. Your generosity is building the church and lighting the path for walking in faith. Keep shining your light!

Your support gives hope, lighting the path toward commissioning the next generation for meaningful service.