Jesus Film Collection
All of the K’iche’ films below are also available in English, Spanish and 2040 other languages at The Jesus Film Project website.

Dive into a cinematic celebration of Joyabaj K'iche' culture! Translated by the dedicated Bill Vasey, a lifelong missionary in Joyabaj, these films capture the vibrant spirit of the community behind the scenes. Send Me had the privilege of partnering with local voice actors, coaches, leaders and members of the community from Joyabaj because of the support from the Jesus Film Project. These films became a reality because of their efforts.
Imagine never seeing a film in your own language. Our children’s event earlier on premier day hosted 800 children. That night, the Jesus film premiered outdoors to an audience of 500, followed by a second showing of 300. The premier event made the national newspaper. The first film “Jesus” was picked up by the local television station and was shown every week for one year. The films continue to be shown ito K’iche’ speaking churches, schools and communities with and without the help of Send Me.

Reflections of Hope is an eight-lesson Bible study (7 episodes) that helps women deepen their understanding of Jesus' love and care for them. They learn of His promise to be with them each step of life's journey.
Reflections of Hope
Does God see me? Rivka wonders if God even sees her. Are you like Rivka, wondering if God sees you? Did you know that one of the names for God in the Bible is El Roi, which means "The God Who Sees"? The Bible is filled with stories about the normal people God "sees" and loves.
2. Reflections of Hope
Will He forgive me? An adulterous woman finds forgiveness instead of condemnation. Did you know in Jesus' culture adultery was a capital offense? When the religious leaders brought the woman to Jesus they were testing him. Instead of condemning the woman for her sin Jesus forgave her. When Jesus asked those who had never sinned to throw the first stone the religious leaders were reminded that they were also sinners.
3. Reflections of Hope
Will God give me strength? Mary, the mother of Jesus finds strength for daily life as she discovers that she will become the mother of the Messiah. The Christian life is a supernatural life and only Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, can enable us to live it.
4. Reflections of Hope
Will He free me? Mary Magdalene is freed from demons and becomes a follower of Jesus. Did you know through Christ's power we can begin to live in true freedom overcoming the hold that negative influences can have over our lives?
5. Reflections of Hope
Will He take care of me? Jesus raises the only son of a poor widow from the dead. Did you know during Jesus' day virtually no special provisions were made for widows because the oldest son had the duty of providing for her? The widow in this story would have been destitute if Jesus hadn't responded to her need.
6. Reflections of Hope
Will He heal me? A woman displays courage by approaching Jesus and finds complete healing after 12 years. Did you know restoration can be a process? After waiting 12 long years and spending all her money, the day came when this woman met Jesus and glorified God through being healed by Him in response to her faith. God is in control of all things and He has His own timetable for us. Even when we have faith like this woman did, He sometimes answers us in a different way, or at a different time than we might expect. It is important for us to be willing to accept His will for us no matter what the answer.
7. Reflections of Hope
Will He satisfy me? Jesus reveals Himself as the Living Water who satisfies our deepest needs. Did you know it was culturally unacceptable for a man and a woman who were strangers to converse in Jesus' day? What does this reveal to us about how Jesus values women? Jesus spoke frankly about the woman's past and present living situation. Nothing about her life was hidden from Him. He understood the pain and brokenness in her life. He did not reject her. He compassionately showed her the way to life which was and is Himself.